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Be the Lobster

If we live long enough, each of us will go through several, if not at least one whopper of an AFGE (Another F*#king Growth Experience). These are deaths, divorces, health crises and more that will break us down and break us open.  But it’s these difficult times that typically are the catalyst for our personal growth, stretching us toward our truest purpose and highest potential. 

Personal growth is not a walk in the park. We are called to face our shadows.  We have to get real with ourselves and get way out of our comfort zones.  In doing so, we lose parts of ourselves we identified with, and we sometimes loose friendships and even family members. It’s common to feel isolated and alone as we grow out of one group of friends who no longer resonate with this new, more awake version of ourselves, and have not yet found our true tribe.     

One of the most compelling metaphors I love to use for this process of awakening comes from an unlikely source: the lobster. Lobsters are known for their hard exoskeletons, which protect their soft, vulnerable bodies from predators and harsh environments. However, this protective shell does not grow with the lobster. As the lobster matures, it eventually outgrows its shell, becoming cramped and uncomfortable. To continue growing, the lobster must shed its old shell in a process known as molting.

During molting, the lobster retreats to a safe place, away from potential threats. It splits its shell open and emerges, soft and defenseless. For a brief period, the lobster is highly vulnerable, its new shell still soft and not fully formed. However, this vulnerability is crucial. In this state, the lobster absorbs water, expanding its body size before the new shell hardens. Once the shell is fully formed, the lobster is not only larger but also better equipped to face the world.

We human beings, much like lobsters, experience periods of growth that require us to shed old, restrictive layers; outdated beliefs, unhealthy habits, or limiting self-perceptions. Emotional and personal growth often demand that we let go of these old “shells” to make room for a more authentic and expansive version of ourselves.

Once we navigate through this vulnerable phase, we begin to form a new “shell” that better fits our evolved self. This new layer represents our enhanced abilities, refined perspectives, and strengthened emotional core. We emerge from this process more resilient and better equipped to handle life’s challenges, much like the lobster with its new, stronger shell. And we are a frequency match to a whole new tribe of large, beautiful lobsters who will love us and join us on our journey. 

The cycle of growth, vulnerability, and renewal is continuous throughout our lives. Just as the lobster molts multiple times, we too undergo numerous transformations. Embracing this cycle with courage and openness allows us to continually evolve and become the best versions of ourselves.

So, the next time you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or vulnerable, remember the lobster. Understand that this discomfort is a sign of impending growth, and that vulnerability is not a weakness but a vital part of the journey. By shedding our old shells and embracing the process, we pave the way for a more fulfilling and authentic life.

And PS, if you are in the process of awakening, shedding your old limits, facing the wound of your past, and longing to step into your more intuitive gifts, check out my toolkit, You’re Not Crazy, You’re Just Ascending!

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