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What if your Heartbreak is Really a Sacred Honor?

We often speak of grief like it’s something to overcome, to “get through,” to check off some invisible emotional to-do list so we can return to “normal.” But what if there is no going back?

What if, instead, there’s a going deeper?

What if grief isn’t a scarlet letter you wear forever—but a badge of honor? Not a punishment, but a sacred initiation. Not a static identity, but a living, breathing path.

We don’t become grievers because we did something wrong. We become grievers because we dared to love deeply. We become grievers because we are human, and the cost of love—its holy price—is grief.

Grief has a way of cracking us open, unearthing truths we never wanted to find and revealing strength we didn’t know we had. It brings to the surface what matters most—and unapologetically burns away what doesn’t. It strips us bare. And in that rawness, if we’re willing, something new is born.

Grief doesn’t care about small talk or surface-level living. It pulls you down into the depths so that you can rise, more real, more raw, more you.

You don’t “get over” grief. You walk with it. You grow through it. You become because of it.

When I lost my son, I thought I had reached the end of something. And in many ways, I had. The end of life as I knew it. The end of a certain innocence. The end of the illusion that things always work out the way we want them to.

But I also discovered I was at the beginning—of a new way of loving, of living, of listening. Of holding space for what hurts and what heals.

Grief called me to cry out loud—not just in pain, but in reverence.

Crying out loud is not just about wailing or weeping. It’s about being real. It’s about honoring the depth of your sorrow without minimizing it, apologizing for it, or trying to tidy it up. It’s about letting your love be visible through your grief.

Crying out loud is a declaration: This mattered. This still matters. I still matter.

And that matters more than we often allow ourselves to believe.

When we cry out loud, we speak the language of the soul. We allow ourselves to be seen in our heartbreak, and in doing so, we allow others to be seen in theirs. This is how we heal—not by bypassing the pain, but by witnessing it, together.

Grief is not who you are. But it will shape who you become—if you let it.

It has the power to awaken you, to deepen your compassion, to sharpen your sense of purpose. It calls you to stop pretending and start living. It demands authenticity. And if you follow it—if you trust it—it will show you just how much beauty can coexist with pain.

In the healing experiences I create for others,  we don’t treat grief like a problem to be solved. We honor it as a sacred teacher. A doorway. A companion. A wise and sometimes brutal force that ultimately invites you back to yourself.

Whether you’re newly grieving or years down the path, you are welcome here. You are seen. You are not alone.

You are not broken. You are becoming.

And your tears? They’re not weakness. They’re holy.

I have two amazing offerings for those who are struggling with loss available to you now!

If you are a mother who has lost a child at any age in any way, come join us for the beautiful and transformational Love Mama Grief Retreat in the Redwoods of California at 1440 Multiversity, May 27-31! Scholarship applications are still being accepted for a short while longer! if you need one, just go to the registration page HERE and you will see the link!

If you are someone who has suffered a loss of any kind and want to learn how to hold grief as a sacred path that inspires and heals you, come and join me in our beautiful membership community at the Grief Healing Collective. There you will be in a group of like-minded souls, attend regular live events with amazing healers and teachers, practice healing meditations, and receive resources, tools and techniques to support you on your journey. 

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