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The Bush is Back!

“I love Brazilians. Brazilians ought to be made compulsory at 15.” 
-Victoria Beckham

A study published in the JAMA Dermatology journal found that 62 percent of women say that they remove all of their pubic hair. The researchers found that women were more likely to remove their pubic hair if their partner preferred it. 

“The increased prevalence of pornography that depicts bare genitalia, popular magazines, and television are primary drivers of the trend in the United States,” report the study authors. 

In other words, porn has been a big driver behind many women’s decision to go bare. Yet as the coronavirus quarantine staggers on, many women are facing the fact that their usual grooming routines, especially as it relates to their intimate areas, are at a standstill. 

While some hair and nail salons are moving their services outdoors, to help lessen the spread of germs, that doesn’t do much for the current problem that women everywhere are facing: The return of the ‘bush.’ 

After all, you can get a mani/pedi outside, or even a root touch-up, but let’s be frank: No one is going to want to get a Brazilian wax in the great outdoors.

This means that in the last few months, most women have been left with no professional hair-removal services. While some brave souls attempted waxing themselves, others have just started to embrace the hair growth.

Perhaps this could spark a change in pubic hair trends, which in recent years has been bare and hair-free. In 2003, Spice Girl Victoria Beckham infamously said that Brazilian waxes should be required, but that sentiment feels reductive in 2020. As we become more body-positive and thoughtful about our choices as consumers, we may find that many women really prefer having pubic hair…and that their partners prefer it as well. 

Sp while Brazilians reigned supreme for many years, I think the pandemic may find lots of women returning to their roots, so to speak. 

Pubic hair trends always evolve, just like hair trends, and I think full, natural hair may be the new trend that sweeps the nation. It’s a sign of the times: Just like people are embracing the art of baking, crafting, and other DIY projects due to the COVID-19 shutdown, we are also embracing more natural and low-maintenance beauty habits.

Got a question or comment for me? Remember, you can find me on InstagramTwitter and Facebook. And don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel for my love, sex and relationship advice! 


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